Life is short. It’s a cliché quote to most people, that is until they experience a sudden illness or tragic loss of someone close to them. This is what happened to us and it changed our perspective on life forever.
In 2009, we lost our dad suddenly in a yacht racing accident. He was our father, friend, boss, mentor, and an industry icon to the boating world. Thankfully, we have many great memories with him, most of which are on the water, boating with family and friends.
Reflecting on the many lessons learned, the one that stands out is the importance of creating lifelong memories with the people you love. Making more time to do the things that make you happy, with the people who make you happy.
And this is why we do what we do. We want to deliver the type of boating experience that enables people to create more memories and live better lives. Because after all, life is short, so you better enjoy it.