Here at Phoenix Powersports we have a wide range of new boats, from tinnies to plate boats, as well as new and second hand boats, outboards and a wide range of boating accessories including safety gear, trailer parts, electrical & water sports equipment. Phoenix Powersports are also the Mackay dealer for Can-am ATVs. Can-am Side by Side vehicles & Can-am Spyders.
Phoenix Powersports is a locally owned and operated business with an experienced sales and service team. At Phoenix Powersports, our mission is to provide you with a choice of quality, affordable products customized to suit your individual needs and to provide service in a timely & professional manner.
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*POA – Price on Application, BMT – Item MAY only be available as part of package eg Boat, Trailer and Engine, Under Offer – Item is under offer by another customer. Contact Dealer Directly for final pricing. | Privacy Policy
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