77 Freight Drive, Somerton Victoria 3062, Australia
ABOUT Rembrandt Caravans
Inspired by revered Dutch Golden Age artist Rembrandt, Rembrandt Caravans has made an art form out of building simple, quality and value-for-money caravans. Combining simple design and state-of-the-art technology, Rembrandt is indisputably a leader in the Australian caravan market. Proudly Australian made and owned, with three custom-built models to choose from, expect all the features of a high-end caravan, as well as a three-year structural warranty.
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*POA – Price on Application, BMT – Item MAY only be available as part of package eg Boat, Trailer and Engine, Under Offer – Item is under offer by another customer. Contact Dealer Directly for final pricing. | Privacy Policy
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